
Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

[Belajar Bahasa Korea] Kosakata Buah-Buahan

[Belajar Bahasa Korea] Kosakata Buah-Buahan


싸다 (ssada) = murah
비싸다 (bissada) = mahal
맛있다 (masitta) = enak
맛없다 (maseoptta) = tidak enak
팔다 (palda) = jual
사다 (sada) = beli
젛아하다 (jeoahada) = menyukai
싫어하다 (sireohada) = tidak menyukai/membenci

과일 (gwail) = buah-buahan
사과 (sagwa) = apel
바나나 (banana) = pisang
포도 (podo) = anggur
배 (bae) = pir
토마토 (tomato) = tomat
수박 (subak) = semangka
파인애플 (painaepeul) = nanas
딸기 (ttalgi) = stroberi
오렌지 (orenji) = jeruk
키위 (kiwi) = kiwi
체리 (cheri) = cherry
복숭아 (boksunga) = persik
감 (gam) = kesemek
살구 (salgu) = aprikot
자두 (jadu) = plum
두리안 (duri-an) = durian
망고 (mang-go) = mangga
아보카도 (abokado) = alpukat

 1. 이 바나나가(/는) 싸요.
I bananaga(/neun) ssayo.
2. 그 포도가(/는) 비싸요.
Geu podoga(/neun) bissayo.
3. 이 수박이(/은) 너무 맛있어요.
I subaki(/eun) neomu masitseoyo.
4. 저 오렌지가(/는) 맛없어요.
Jeo orenjiga(/neun) maseopseoyo.
5. 도니 씨는(/가) 파인애플을 팔아요.
Siwon ssineun(/ga) painaepeureul palayo.
6. 저는(/재가) 사과를 많이 사요.
Jeoneun(/jaega) sagwareul mani sayo.
7. 당신은(/이) 딸기를 젛아해요?
Dangsineun(/i) ttalgireul jeoahaeyo?
8. 니나 언니는(/가) 배를 싫어해요?
Nina eonnineun(/ga) baereul sireohaeyo?
9. 그들은(/이) 책을 바꿔요?
Geudeureun(/i) chaekeul bakkweoyo?
10. 내(/제) 친구는(/가) 와요?
Nae(/je) chin-guneun(/ga) wayo?

Arti :

1. Pisang ini murah.
2. Anggur itu mahal. (dekat dengan lawan bicara)
3. Semangka ini sangat enak.
4. Jeruk itu tidak enak. (jauh dari pembicara dan lawan bicara)
5. Pak Siwon menjual nanas.
6. Saya membeli banyak apel.
7. Apakah Anda menyukai stroberi?
8. Apakah Kak Nina tidak menyukai pir? (oleh perempuan)
9. Apakah mereka mengubah buku itu?
10. Apakah teman saya datang?

Pada no. 6, 저는 (jeoneun) dapat diganti menjadi재가 (jaega). 

재가 berasal dari kata 저 + 가 = 재가. Ini adalah salah satu 
bentuk perubahan dari kata ganti yang diikuti partikel 가.
Perubahan lainnya yaitu:
나 + 가 = 내가 (naega) = aku (저 lebih sopan daripada나)
너 + 가 = 네가 (nega) = kamu (너 hanya diucapkan 

kpd teman akrab/lebih muda)
누구 + 가 = 누가 (nuga) = siapa
Untuk membedakan pengucapan네가 (nega) dan내가 (naega), 

에 (e) dapat diucapkan dengan lebih tinggi dan mulut lebih 
terbuka ke samping daripada 애 (ae).

[Belajar Bahasa Korea] Nama Binatang dalam Bahasa Korea

[Belajar Bahasa Korea] Nama Binatang dalam Bahasa Korea

Singa 사자 saja
Harimau 호랑이 horangi
Monyet 원숭이 wonsungi
Simpanse 침팬지 chimpaenji
orangutan 오랑우탄 orangutan
Gorilla 고릴라 gorilla
Anjing 개 gae
Kucing 고양이 goyangi
Kuda 말 mal
Keledai 조랑말 jorangmal
Zebra 얼룩말 eollungmal
Macan Kumbang 표범 pyobeom
Macan Tutul 치타 chita
Ayam 닭 dak
Babi 돼지 dwaeji
Sapi 소 so
Badak 코뿔소 koppulso
Rakun 너구리 neoguri
mole 두더지 dudeoji
Panda 팬더 paendeo
Kuda Nil 하마 hama
Jerapah 기린 girin
Hyena 하이에나 haiena
Unta 낙타 nakta
Kelinci 토끼 tokki
Tikus 쥐 jwi
Tupai 다람쥐 daramjwi
Beruang 곰 gom
Serigala 늑대 neukdae
Rubah 여우 yeou
Rusa 사슴 saseum
Antelop 영양 yeongyang
Kambing 염소 yeomso
Domba 양 yang
Ikan Paus 고래 gorae
Koala 코알라 koalla


Ular 뱀 baem
Kadal 도마뱀 domabaem
Ular Phyton 구렁이 gureongi
Buaya 악어 ageo
Katak 개구리 gaeguri
Kura-kura 거북이 geobugi
Iguana 이구아나 iguana


Magpie 까치 kkachi
Kakaktua 앵무새 aengmusae
Gagak 까마귀 kkamagwi
Burung Pipit 참새 chamsae
Burung Dara 비둘기 bidulgi
Merak 공작 gongjak
Burung Unta 타조 tajo
Penguin 펭귄 penggwin
Angsa 백조 baekjo
Burung Pelatuk 황새 hwangsae
Bangau 두루미 durumi
Burung Walet 갈매기 galmaegi
Elang 독수리 doksuri
Bebek 오리 ori
Itik 거위 geowi

Application Security - IT Risk Management

Application Security - IT Risk Management

Application Security risk assessment and risk management are vital tasks for IT managers. Corporations face increased levels of Application Security risk from hackers and cyber crooks seeking intellectual property and customer information. A comprehensive application security risk assessment is a modern day corporate necessity. 

Application security risk management provides the optimal protection within the constraints of budget, law, ethics, and safety. Performing an overall Application Security risk assessment enables organizations to make wise decisions.

Web Servers - Application Security
Web Servers are One of the most critical sources of Application Security risk to organizations. Performing an application security assessment and implementing security risk management is critical. Here are core points that pose a major security risk to Application Security:

Default configuration - Application Security
Web server default configurations that may not be secure leave unnecessary samples, templates, administrative tools, etc. open to attacks. Poor application security risk management leaves security breaches for hackers to take complete control over the Web server.

Databases - Application Security
Web sites and applications must be interactive to be useful and there lies the risk... Web applications without sufficient application security allow hackers to attack their databases. Invalid input scripts leads to many of the worst database attacks. Comprehensive risk assessment may reveal steps to ensure application security.

Encryption - Application Security
Encryption reduces application security risks and losses when Web servers are breached. Even though a company's Intranet server has greater vulnerability to attacks, encryption creates a lower relative risk.

Web Servers - Application Security
Web Servers are the most critical sources of Application Security risk for most companies. Performing application security assessment regularly and implementing security risk management reduces security risk for overall application security.

Databases - Application Security
Web sites and applications must be interactive to be useful and there lies the risk... Web applications that do not perform sufficient application security validation allow hackers to attack its databases. Invalid input leads to many of the most popular attacks. Comprehensive risk assessment may reveal steps to ensure application security.

Default configuration - Application Security
Web servers default configurations often leave unsecured important information, templates and administrative tools open to attacks. Inappropriate application security risk enables hackers to gain control over the Web server and your company's Application Security. The bright side is there are powerful application security solutions to combat them.
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Investing vs. Trading: Who Cares Anyway?

Investing vs. Trading: Who Cares Anyway?

The mutual fund industry requires customers that buy their funds and never sell them. So naturally, they disseminate a lot of editorial decrying any trading, market-timing or re-allocating that includes selling their mutual funds. This non-selling concept gets more ridiculous and hypocritical every year as scandals continue to trickle into the news regarding brokerage firm and mutual fund behavior. It turns out that the professionals running the mutual funds do a lot of trading, market-timing and re-allocating everyday, but somehow if you do this on your own, you'll ruin your portfolio.

Since an unfortunate vestige of mutual fund sales material is: "you need to invest for the long-term." and "That it is OK if your investments are going down because these are long-term investments." These phrases and beliefs destroy portfolios and compounded returns.

To me, investing is simply day-trading in slow motion. In my view, when people don't have an investing plan they use the excuse, "I'm investing for the long-term." But, I find that all the successful trading rules that apply to a professional currency trader with a leveraged $250 million position also apply to someone with $25 in a mutual fund. If the mutual fund owner calls it investing, he thinks he is immune from all the decision-making required of all ownership; ignoring the fact that every structure require maintenance.

Let's take a closer look at maintenance; look at a home – everything but the dirt needs to be maintained. Time, weather, and events take their toll on the floors, appliances, roof, windows, landscaping, etc. The same rules apply to owning a rental home. And the same rules apply to owning a strip mall, or an airport or manufacturing plant. The same rules actually apply to every business; the building, the equipment, the employees, the vehicles, the marketing plan, the product design, and the websites. Now if investing or trading is a business (or you are trading or investing in businesses) what makes you think your portfolio doesn't need to be maintained just like everything else? I am here to tell you that it does need to be maintained. In spite of long-term investing theories and cautions from your stockbroker or magazine headlines, most of the time you spend on investing would be considered maintenance. 

How I define maintenance is continued review, evaluation, and action in alignment with your investing goals. Now the maintenance that they need is continual review. Is it meeting your expectations? Maintenance means information review: changes to your market view, interest rates, inflation, recession, the industry, a new federal law, an inter-country trade dispute, etc. Maintenance also means portfolio review. For example, , if a run up in real estate has unbalanced your portfolio, you may want to sell off weaker real estate holdings or, instead, sell off the strongest real estate holdings if the market prices are starting to fall back. Maintenance is also the mechanics of setting up alerts if a stock has fallen too far and you want to place a stop-loss order to get out, or an alert for a profit target that is about to be reached. Maintenance could simply be a monthly review to evaluate whether the stock is still above its 200-day moving average price.

Whatever the manner you want to address investment and portfolio maintenance, you need to start building your own trading rules, checklists for what to do before you enter a trade, and what could possibly trigger your exit of a position. Keep a journal to see how your rules are growing your account to notice which of them needs to be changed, eliminated, or updated. All of this is the maintenance required for the $25 mutual fund investment – so that it doesn't become a $0.25 investment from neglect.

To the axiom: "A fool and his money are soon parted", I would add this corollary: "An amateur investor and his long-term investments are soon parted." Amateur investors that are not willing to perform the ongoing duties required to grow their investments rarely perform well. While a professional trader who carefully analyzes and executes his trading rules can count on the continued successful growth of their portfolio.

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Personal Wireless with Bluetooth

Personal Wireless with Bluetooth

If you already have a wireless network for your computers, you may be very interested in what's coming next. Would you like it if your PDA, your mobile phone, your mp3 player and almost everything else you connect to your computer could be wireless too? It's already a reality...

Personal Area Network.

Using wireless networking with your personal gadgets is often called PAN, which stands for Personal Area Network. The idea is that, in the future, we'll all have laptop computers with their batteries charged and no more need to connect any wires to them at all -- you just place your Bluetooth device near the computer, and the computer sees it and can use it straightaway.

Bluetooth has been around and in-use since 1999, and it's only getting more popular. It was designed to be secure, low cost, and easy to use from day one.

There are two classes of Bluetooth that are in popular use: class 1 and class 2. Class 2 is the most common and cheaper standard, allowing you to use a device that is up to 10 metres (32 feet) away. Class 1 is rarer, but you can still find devices that use it easily enough, and it has ten times the range: 100 metres or 320 feet.

How Does It Work?

Bluetooth is more flexible than 802.11 wireless networking, in exchange for the shorter range. Essentially, a Bluetooth-enabled computer has one Bluetooth receiver installed in it, and this receiver can then be used with up to 7 nearby Bluetooth devices. On the other end, wireless devices do not need to have Bluetooth installed if they support it -- it is already integrated.

Like 802.11, Bluetooth works by using radio signals to create bandwidth. It is not, though, the same thing as an old-style wireless mouse or keyboard, which required a receiver to be plugged into one of your computers' ports, and didn't have range or stability anywhere near that of Bluetooth.

Many computers now come with built in Bluetooth, especially Apple Macs. If you want to add Bluetooth to a computer that doesn't come with it pre-installed, you should probably use a USB to Bluetooth adapter, although internal Bluetooth devices to install in your computer are available. If you have a laptop and a spare PCMCIA slot, you can get Bluetooth cards for that too.

What Can You Do With Bluetooth?

Mobile phones with Bluetooth are very popular, and so are PDAs -- the instant synchronisation of addresses and calendars to a computer is a useful feature. Other than that, almost anything that would usually use USB can be done using Bluetooth, including digital cameras, mp3 players, printers, and even mice and keyboards. If you take a look through the comprehensive list of Bluetooth 'profiles' (kinds of devices that could, in theory, be Bluetooth enabled), it includes cordless phones, faxes, headsets, and even video.

Basically, more than anything, Bluetooth is a replacement for USB: some say that while 802.11 wireless networking is wireless Ethernet, Bluetooth is wireless USB.

Not Just for Computers.

Part of the power of Bluetooth is that it isn't just used to connect things to computers -- it can be used to connect almost anything to anything else, if both things are Bluetooth-enabled and recognise each other.

Mobile phones, in particular, take advantage of this. Hands-free headsets often use Bluetooth to communicate with the phone. Some cars, for example, now have on-board computers that will connect with a Bluetooth phone and allow you to make hands-free calls, regardless of where the phone is in the car (even if you've left it in your bag in the trunk!)

On top of that, of course, Bluetooth devices can communicate with each other. This has led to some people sending messages from their Bluetooth PDAs to others in close range -- not an especially useful feature, but quite fun. This is called 'bluejacking', and the first recorded instance of it was a man who sent a Bluetooth message to another man's Nokia phone while they were in a bank together. What did the message say? 'Buy Ericsson'.

Since then, it has become possible to send images by bluejacking, and it is widely believed to be the newest advertising medium -- yes, it lets billboards send messages to your phone, a practice known as 'bluecasting'. Whether you think that's cool or annoying, of course, is your choice.

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Spyware: It's Hidden Agenda

Spyware: It's Hidden Agenda
We have all heard about spyware. Spyware is regularly featured in various news media and is a topic of much discussion in computer circles. The reason for this is the constant bombardment of spyware related material, that infiltrates computer systems. Spyware has a hidden agenda.

The Internet is loaded with information on every conceivable subject. There are ebooks, software, photos, file sharing and a host of giveaways that are very enticing to computer users, especially those that have a hobby or special interest. The desire to take advantage of the vast internet resources and to download files or to share files, photos, software etc. is growing at a very fast pace. Advertisers and marketing specialists are aware of this trend and they focus their attention on providing online surfers with software, ebooks and other giveaways that cater to individual interests. These "Giveaways" are the "Passage way" used by promotional companies to get entry into the internet users computer.

Spyware "Piggybacks" on very innocent and legitimate looking file downloads. It can be likened to a passport that allows a person to enter a country, only in this case it is to enter an individuals computer, without the user fully understanding the implications of such file downloads. 

Spyware introduced into a computer system loves the environment. It has gained entrance into the system and feeds on the information the system contains. Its prying eyes feasts on the "Goings on" and learns all of the habits, interests, chats, discussions and shares this information with its buddies on the other side of the internet line. Who are its buddies? You guessed right, it is the promotional companies. This approach enables promotional companies to become fully aware of peoples interests, needs and desires. In turn, they will direct their wares to the individuals whose system was infiltrated by spyware.

People treasure privacy, be it at home or on the internet. It is easy to enjoy privacy at home, it is not as easy to enjoy computer privacy. A Loss of privacy on the internet can bring about numerous hardships, financial losses and of course can lead to identity theft.

People linked to the internet need to install spyware removal software. Spyware software will enable a scan, of all the files on ones computer and allow for the removal, of unwanted files, that pose a risk to privacy.
You can get a Free Spyware Scanner at

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[Photo] Park Jiyeon ~ T-ara

Park Jiyeon <Profil>

공원 Jiyeon, 난 당신을 사랑
당신은 매우 아름다운합니다.


Jeon Ji Hyun

Jeon Ji Seon

Jeong Si Ah

Jessica Jung Soo-Yeon

Ji Yeon Soo